Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Bil Awtistiaeth (Cymru) drafft

Draft Autism (Wales) Bill

Arolwg Ar-lein DAB145

Online Survey DAB145

Ymateb gan Cyfrannog ar-lein 145

Evidence from Online Participant 145

Please refer to questions in the Online Survey.




Not sure

We feel it is confusing to have autism spectrum disorder on the face of the bill, when the intention is to include other neuro developmental conditions. Is it misleading having the definition of ASD on the face of the bill?


Not sure

Other neuro developmental conditions do need the support of professionals, but if you want to include all neuro developmental disorders, wouldn’t the bill best be titled something else? Other disorders do need to be recognised but is the Autism bill the c



We don’t know how you could carry out the aims of the bill without the NHS and LA implementing its actions, they need to take the lead with the support of the third sector organisations.



We don’t have a problem with Welsh ministers having the power to direct the relevant bodies if they take into account the diversity and needs of each of the individual areas or counties.


Six months seems to be appropriate time enough to be thorough and to consult but not too long to lose the impetus.


If you have the appropriate people with appropriate knowledge, 3 months seems to be an appropriate time for the guidance to be written.


Why shouldn’t the act become law immediately it is passed?


Diagnosis should be within timescales of the National institute for health care excellence guidlines. There should be some awareness of children and adults who sit on waiting lists or pre waiting lists to see the relevant professional after referral has been made.



Two months should be the limit for people to have a care and support plan. Parents should not be left in limbo waiting to hear if they are to receive the relevant support.

This at the moment is sometimes linked to iQ, children and young people with an IQ higher than 70 might have care an support needs as well.



Yes a list of professionals who could form the multi-disciplinary team is a good idea.


We think you should include Educational Psychologist on the list.


Poor diagnostic services for Adults.

Denial on the part of the child and or family.

Lack of recognition and understanding amongst schools, health visitors and GP’s so that they can and will refer children and adults who need assessment.




All of the above

If a care plan was provided

Any other information which could be used to improve services and pass on best practice. 

Obviously confidentiality needs to be adhered to but most people expect some information to be shared between servic


It should be written in the guidance.




Not sure

Yes we think a campaign should happen, not continually, or you might get fatigue and so people ignore it, but more frequently than 3 years about every 18months.

It would be better all the time than leave it as long as three years


A)        People should be communicated with in their first language because autism is a communication disorder and people might struggle to communicate in their second language.

B)        Inclusion at school is very important, children are sometimes excluded from school or activities because of behaviour which can be as a result of their autism.

C)        The justice system needs better education and strategies of how someone should be treated within the justice system. Their ASD should be taken into account.

D)        There needs to be funding available to carry out the requirements of the Bill. Adequate staffing with appropriate skills to carry out the requirement of the Bill.